aL xin

Alison (Al/aL) W. Xin's site

Curriculum Vitae


Cross-posted with Buttondown (eventually).

Local testing of GitHub Pages on MacOS. (470 words). 06 Jan 2024.
I can't believe this took me so long to debug.

Understanding pragmatic differences in autism as framework variation rather than deficiencies. (2900 words). 20 May 2023.
Observed pragmatic differences seen in autism spectrum disorder can be better explained as a difference in pragmatic principles rather than a deficiency in pragmatic skill.

Review of Jaron Larnier's "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now". (3350 words). 04 Jan 2023.
Larnier presents an outdated take on the social media ecosystem, with arguments that probably didn't make sense in 2018 and make even less sense in 2023.

Yappy Hew Near!. (770 words). 01 Jan 2023.
When I figured out that I could make significant changes to my life at any time of the year, New Year's Resolutions lost their luster. But in honor of my worst year on record (age 5 is probably a top contender, but I don't really remember it), feeling like I'm wiping the slate clean seems nice.