aL xin

Alison (Al/aL) W. Xin's site

Curriculum Vitae

Alison (Al/aL) W. Xin

Updated on 2024-01-05.


I am a postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) researcher at the Machine Learning Core at the National Institute of Mental Health, directed by Dr. Francisco Pereira. I work on experimental machine learning applications in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience and statistical research on functional mixed models.

I also work part-time as a temporary contractor for the Harvard Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD), where I help with CCDD branding and site maintenance.

Why does the name look like that?

I sometimes stylize my name as aL to avoid sans serif ambiguities with “AI”. This has been a recurring problem for an aL interested in artificial intelligence.

Why does the site look like that?

Currently reorganizing things. I used to host my CV on Substack, for example, but I am moving away from the platform to put all blogging/newsletter work on Buttondown. I am also planning to change my GitHub domain name (with delays due to providing this URL to PhD applications).

The site uses the Jekyll theme modernist by orderedlist and the font “Atkinson Hyperlegible”, available on Google Fonts.


I graduated from Harvard in 2023 (Statistics major and Linguistics minor). I wrote a senior thesis with the Murray lab at Harvard Medical School on a genome-wide association study of M. tuberculosis. At Harvard, I was Program Director for Harvard Effective Altruism (HEA), President of Harvard Breakers, and Design Chair on the Adams House Committee.

I previously worked as a teaching fellow (Harvard’s term for a teaching assistant) for CS 50, STAT 110, STAT 111, and STAT 210. I do some commissioned graphic design work, such as logo design, including the course logo for STAT 210.


I have an (optionally) anonymous feedback form here.

You can find me at Bluesky I own the URL for blogging, but I am currently working on migrating from Substack to Buttondown.